We all need help knowing how the business behind being a Director or running a successful Production Company works. How do you establish sustainable, professional identities and practices?


Juliana has over 20 years of experience as the owner of a highly successful National Commercial Production and as a Commercial Director and Producer.


She can help you navigate the process towards establishing yourself or your company as a sustainable, thriving enterprise.


How can she help?

• How to get a Commercial Rep.

• I’m a Director, so now what? Establishing rates, finding work, crew resources, etc.

• Self-promotion.

• Best Business practices.

• Business contracts & insurance.

• Budgeting.

• Tools, resources, tips, support.

• What about #MeToo? How to navigate harassment, discrimination and bullying.


Contact Juliana and start a conversation!

Animation by Christina Mayes, Yon and Yonder Studio